lauantai 14. tammikuuta 2017

Americunts: You Are Idiots

                                                                     Fak Juu Amelika !

You have fallen FAAAAR.
You have become true Communists.
You have become true assholes and ignoramuses par excellance.
You have become crybabys and ....basically IDIOTS.
You seem to have become, also, know..WOMEN !
You at least SEEM to have lost your goddamn fucking mind. Even more than before.
You have lost your way / ways, IF indeed you ever even HAD one / such !
You have NOT bombed / freed North-Shithole (Korea) or even Burma-Myanmar really.
You have also NOT bombed / destroyed the ENTIRE "Mid-East" as should be the case.
You have pampered the goddamn fucking Jew, beyond belief.
You have ALWAYS, fucking religious lunatics, been in the fucking way when ever someone somewhere even TRIIIEEESS to do something cool or nice or sensible or MASCULINE (of wich u are empty[masculinity]) to and for and behalf of, us The White People.
You ALWAYS side the FUCKING NIGGERS or the FUCKING KIKES or the FUCKING this or the FUCKING that.
Hey G.I Joe; FUCK YOU !

You have also made the entire planet stupid. "Thanks" to ya´ll - soon....we´ll ALL be a bunch of FUCKING "Homer idiot Simpsons" ! (except Mii of course).

"Thanks" to YOU, you goddamn fucking childish imbesciles and triggerhappy morons, everyone else has lost their OWN WAY and ways, and culture and what not, and are now instead just a bunch of "Cargo Cult" NIGGERS !!
AND also, of course, Communists !

Give you "White Card" back immediately please.


But since i don´t want to continuuuuuuueeee this list, which COULD BE a loooooooooong fucking list, i´ll "cut to the chase", shall i ?

NOW, that you fucking kids have FIIINALLY got a President, since FREE PEOPLE(?!) apparently NEED ONE..... anyway, now that you finally got a sensible one, you ALL seem to kicking and screaming and crying like a bunch of fucking commie babys !
Meryl Streep ? ...Bitch FOCK right OFF ! I never liked you anyway, and i think u is ugleeeee !

What the flying FUCK has "Meryl Ugmo Streep" EVER DONE ?!?!? Besides "acted" ?! Why is SHE complaining, apparently, about Mr. Trump !??!


The man has done IMHO.....pretty fucking remarkably well, and made himself a fucking BILLIONAIRE !

Are YOU, Mr Average American Joe, a BILLIONAIRE ?!?!!? Through you OWN fucking accomplishments ?!

OR !!! Are you some kind of a fucking full of yaself, proud, know-nothing, ignorant, solipsistic, stupid, Leftie piece of commie shit, sissie, who has "interesting Ethnic Friends" and who thus is, if not a de facto SAINT, but at least a Good Human Being and a Person ?
"Entitled" and "deserving" (of an ASSWHOOPING!) and unique and shiiiiiit ?

I think you´d most likely make you forefathers PUKE of disgust ! You have fallen SO LOW !

YOU are NOT (!!) "Americans" even, YOU are "somekind of communists, on the other side of the planet".

And it is probably MOSTLY YOU, who have CREATED in the first place, this modern Nigger Problem. Meaning; there are MORE niggers NOW, than there has EVER BEEN !
Hahaayy; if you LIKE them fuckers THAT much, take them ALL there then !? no ? U "Racist™" ?

And while i´m at it; FUCK YOU JEWISH HOLLYWOOD !! And the SHIT that comes out of your fucking ass !! And gets sprayed and smeared all fucking over our fucking eyes and ears GLOBALLY !!
Hey thanks man !

Just stick with crying and moaning about The Evil Mr. Trump, and roll on the floor like "Michael" in the "Office" as he tried to free himself, like Houdini, from a straight jacket.

I´m, quite simply; SICK OF YOUR SHIT !

Trump is the ONLY interesting thing about Amelikwa at the moment ! The ONLY one who COULD bring at least SOME KIND of "balance to the force".
And you MOAN ?!?! About THAT !?!??!!?

W T F ?!?!?!

Where was your fucking dipshit sissie hissyfit moaning when AFTER 9/11 (!!!) a fucking MUSLIM NIGGER  p.o.s ASSHOLE was selected or "elected" as you Supreme Leader or what ever he was supposed to be ?!?!
Huh ?

W H E R E !?!?!

A NIGGER   called  "HUSSEIN OBAMA" Fa Christs SAKES !!! Was selected to be ya Chief, and you said NOTHING !! Fuck all. Not a peep. And NOW ?!?´s the end of the fucking world, when a WHITE man (blue eyed too, no less!), with some actual fucking work history and such, is to become your "president", you dumb and wild, toothless fucks !?

Jesus Christ you can be STUPID. Or is it "stupidó" nowadays ? You know....cos you are soon to be a part Mehico / Spicxico or whatever YOU call that shitpile BENEATH you ?

Which, i see, you ALSO(!) haven´t bombed !!

- A sidenote: STOP sending the FUCKING "Mormons" here plz! ty. WTF are they even doing here in the first place ?!?! End of side note -

Send BOMBS into Mexico, if you want to send something to some place somewhere. Also the northernmost Korea will suffice and do.
OR indeed China !!

THANK fucking GOD Trump has the wherewithall / huevos / rightmindedness, to ATTACK the goddamn fucking asshole Chinks !!!


I also got to read that "The Boss" or to ME, "A Jewish Asshole, hasbeen", has cancelled or something, his performance at the Presidential Inauguration (what a name!) party or happening or whatever it Officially IS.


I mean; fuck him ANYWAY !! Hey "Boss": WHO GIVES a goddamn FUCK ABOUT YOU in ANY case, ANYWAY ?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

We are ALL sick your fucking face and shit and "music" anyway, you dry fucking Jew piece of Georgian shit !! That´s, my Americanos, where They ACTUALLY come from; from fucking GEORGIA !
HAHAHAAHAHAHAaaa !! That is ALMOST, i guess, LOWER THAN FUCKING RUSSIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

AHAHAHAa...ooooooooooooooh man !

"Booooorn in the U.S.A..." yea but you´re still just a fucking Jew.


* - * - * - * - * - * - *

What a sad, sorrowfull, stupid bunch you kids have become over there, on the other side of the planet ! Where you do NOT belong ! No matter HOOOOWW MUCH you TRY to convince yaselves or anyone else that u so do, sír ! But of course you English assholes DON´T ! It´s perfectly simple and clear. Just like the kikes do NOT belong into the sand dune called "Palestina" or something.

Get your fucking FACTS straight you fucking solipsistic shitheads ! You fucking Anglo-Saxon PESTS !  

Why´o ´why  do the rest of us have suffer ya !?!!? What do Ya recon !?
WHY, were you pulled up from HEELLLL, to torment the rest of us ?!?!

Leave us be !


And to all you Hollywood types and other misc. assholes and idiots and drug addicts, fucking walking dead / zombies / just messes; how DARE you, YOU of all ppl, WHINE about Mr. Trump !?!
WTF has he done to YOU ?!?! YOU got your fucking millions, by sucking up to the ENEMY, the JEW, while he fucking WORKED for his !!
You fucking dipshit commies ! Losers ! Assholes ! Ignorant selfish cunts ! Fucking babys !

You "believe you can FLY" and shit, I on the other hand; "believe" you are STUPID. And maybe also insane. And depraved and even fatherless ? No ? Assholes anyway.

I am NOT interested in YOUR opinions about "Politics" or what not. Just keep to the fucking "art" !!! IF you have one single fucking artistic bone in your "American"-"Indian" body !


But anyway...................yea. That´s "my 2 cents" for now.
Judging from the other side of the world ! Judging, like you ! Yyyeeeaa, it rang a bell, did it not ?

Eat shit.

Anyway: STOP moaning and crying and breaking windows and wreking havoc, you fucking Communist-Leftie Assholes !! STOP fearmongering and complaining. STOP whining and trying to manipulate EVERYONE on the planet against Mr. Trump !
The Rest Of Us fucking actually LIKE HIM !

Because WE are not little communist babies, who were born on a silver tray and have lived inside cottonballs. No sir !
We are from the ACTUAL WORLD. Where shit stinks, and ppl DIE and DON´T live in endless, constant panic about it, and where Commies are the lowest fucking dusty shit the world has EVER seen !!
And the world has "seen some shit" ! Most of it Jewish i gather.

And hey, G.I. joe; WHY the FUCK do YOU mutilate your fucking children !?!?  Baby boys ?! You fucking lunatic !
I mean the SUPER ULTRA HYPER MEGA PRIMITIVE and de facto PEDOFILIAC and INSANE "practice" (like "withcraft" is a "practice") of "circumscision".
And YES, it´s F and NOT "ph" you English arrogant goddamn bastard asshole uppity little white muslim niggers.

Why are YOU, acting like neurotic and primitive, sadistic and senseless fucking O.C.D asshole fucking Georgian-Khazar Jew monkeys motherfuckers !??!?! Why do YOU do THAT ?!?!
Give O N E single  ACTUAL and good REASON !!

I´ll be waiting.

O N E !

Let´s hear it; bring it on bitches, come at me brah !

There ain´t one, like you WELL KNOW !
It is simply a primitive and extremely stupid and unnecessary idiot ritual, that those fucking Sand Dwellers "came up with" (cos they are NOT very SMART) on their own, aaaaages ago. It was actually the Ancien Egyptians who apparently actually MADE IT UP, if you can believe that !
They were also not that smart after all !
You see, white ppl, the SUN makes you INSANE ! It´s, again, VERY simple.

No mysteries here.

And their RACE or "genes". And when those two COMBINE !!?!?...Oooh man, all Hell breaks loose ! Or "islam" / "Jewishness" as the Hell is called.

Why not cut off your eyelids too ? It is the EXACTLY same thing. Maybe actually LESS harmfull; it´s at least not PEDOLIFIAC in any way, and...i GUESS you could still SEE some what well, or even poorly.
But hey; BECOME(!) Pseudo Jews if you want to and please, but why not, u know?...spare you fucking KIDS ?!?! Fucking asshole dolts !

I´m sick of you. Go and find yourself, your MASSIVE fat swollen self, a new planet. And take the Ruskies, Muslims and Chinx and Niggers with ya !!
This world will thus be INSTANTLY "Saved" !

Oh AND, take the Joos too ffs !!! ONLY THEN will there be Peace On Earth.

But Trump, a GERMAN man by blood(!) (cos WHO THE FUCK ELSE would EVER get ANYTHING DONE on this planet, BUT the "Gerrys" that you DUMB fucking potatoe fucking "Anglos" so seem to HATE !!?? I wonder WHY...?) ...i bid you LUCK and such !
MAYBE, baby, there could at least SOME actual "change" this time; FR BETTER.

But still likely NOT, cos the Lefty fucking Marxist shitheaded sub-mediocre bully-idiots STILL don´t GET IT: The Change has to come and strat FROM YOU OWN "SELF" !

Fucking dictators, "Law" loving, P.O.S Jew loving assholes. Not that they would ACTUALLY LOVE the kikes ! NOBODY -ACTUALLY- even LIKES them !!!!!!!!

Has it EVER occurred to YOU, English-Anglo-Normanns, WHY the KIKE has CHOSEN YOU !?!?!? Maybe i´ll tell you some day, maybe not. But YOU SHOULD THINK about it !
It fokken behooves ya !


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