Firstly a BIG FUCK YOU !
Second: you really are the ..lousiest race on this miserable planet since the niggers ! I mean are a fucking mean joke. Just a really really lousy and pointless race of absolute losers and solipsistic assholes and proud (for what?!) imbeciles.
EVERYTHING in your cheap world is ugly and old, rusty and filthy, disgusting and repulsive, poor and dilapidated.
Nothing works, everyone and everything is drunk all the time. Goddamn you are one sorry ass motherfucking pile on pointless harmful SHIT ! Jesus FUCK !
And rotten stinking poor.
Your so amazing and miraculous fucking army is a bunch of idiots and drunkards and assholes who could´t even find their own miserable ass in the dark, and your language is ugly just like your fucking flag. EVERYTHING about is just fucking... no, no thanks. Like some weird B-side of the universe.
Just FUCK OFF. Nobody likes you and everybody simply tolerates you, just like them niggers and mud-slims.
You are just a whole bunch of NOTHING.
I´m really pleased that your cruddy crappy army of drunks is being beaten totally and absolutely by the slightly different versions of you, them Ukrainians. Hah. Nice. Too late but nice.
You probably can´t actually even read this, maybe you can´t actually even read(!), cos your so fucking Great and Fantastic junkyard of a country doesn´t allow YOU to read it. HAHahaaa.
Your IMAGINED, not by me, military might is now GONE ! YOU´RE GONE !! You ugly old sovietSHIT machinery is rusting and stuck in the Ukrainian mud ffs ! HAHaha hahaha.. oooooh man. I almost feel bad for you, you truly are an absolutely sorry collection of dimwit zombies. Who can´t done ANYTHING right EVER !! Never ever.
Just fucking die and disappear. Ty.
Fuck you.
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